Choosing an action is a required component of the Payment and Submission page that determines where a filing should be routed depending on the proxy relationship status of the submitter. Selecting an action must be completed, regardless of whether the submitter is part of a proxy relationship, but the options that make sense to select hinge upon the existence of a specific relationship.
There are as many as four options to choose from depending on the individual's role within a proxy relationship:
Submit to Court - Available to select when an individual is eligible to send a filing directly to the court.
Request For Approval - Available to select when an individual needs to send a filing to another person within their proxy relationship, prior to submission, for review and approval. The selection of this option displays a list of individuals in the submitter's proxy relationship that are eligible approvers.
Request For Correction - Available to approvers within a proxy relationship when they want to send a filing back to the individual that created it, unapproved, for modification.
Request For Submission - Available to approvers within a proxy relationship when they want to send a filing to an eligible submitter, in an approved status, so it can be filed with the court. The selection of this option displays a list of individuals in the approver's proxy relationship that are eligible submitters.
Any individual routing a filing can use the Notes field to send customized comments to the designated recipient.
Each of the Request For... actions generate a User Action Required notification to the appropriate recipient. In addition to this notice, all members of the proxy relationship can access these filings through the appropriate Filings tab on the Dashboard.